Vaadin Temperature Conversion

This is one of my first MVC applications in Vaadin. It demonstrate a simple form and interaction with ObjectProperty.

The application performs temperature conversion between multiple scales. A list of formulas as well as a converter can be found here.

The architecture of the application consists of a temperature bean, which is written by multiple fields. The fields write to the bean through the converter. The bean retains the Kelvin version, while the controls show their specific scales.

Temperature conversion application
Temperature conversion application

Let’s start by creating the data model.

public class MyUI extends UI {
	ObjectProperty<Double> temp = new ObjectProperty<Double>(100.0);
	protected void init(VaadinRequest vaadinRequest) {
		final FormLayout layout = new FormLayout();

		final TextField raw = new TextField(temp);
		raw.setCaption("Kelvin - raw value");
	@WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/*", name = "MyUIServlet", asyncSupported = true)
	@VaadinServletConfiguration(ui = MyUI.class, productionMode = false)
	public static class MyUIServlet extends VaadinServlet {

The ObjectProperty instance keeps the Kelvin temperature, while the raw field edits the value without performing any conversions. Further, all Java statements will go inside the init method, except of the standalone class declarations.

Let’s add a blank Kelvin converter and a Kelvin field. The only improvement compared to the raw control is the two decimal enforcement.

abstract class StringDoubleAbstract implements Converter<String, Double> {
	public Class<Double> getModelType() {
		return Double.class;
	public Class<String> getPresentationType() {
		return String.class;

class KelvinConverter extends StringDoubleAbstract {
	public Double convertToModel(String value, Class<? extends Double> targetType, Locale locale) {
		return Double.parseDouble(value);
	public String convertToPresentation(Double value, Class<? extends String> targetType, Locale locale) {
		return String.format("%.2f", value);

The generic StringDoubleAbstract describes the Converter nature: it will take a Double as model and expose a String to the UI control.

final TextField kelvin = new TextField(temp);
kelvin.setConverter(new KelvinConverter());

Further converters can be developed on this pattern. Please note that the converter computes the Kelvin temperature when communicating from control to model and the specific scale when processing the model to control.

class CelsiusConverter extends StringDoubleAbstract {
	public Double convertToModel(String value, Class<? extends Double> targetType, Locale locale) {
		return Double.parseDouble(value) + 273.15;
	public String convertToPresentation(Double value, Class<? extends String> targetType, Locale locale) {
		return String.format("%.2f", value - 273.15);

class FahrenheitConverter extends StringDoubleAbstract {
	public Double convertToModel(String value, Class<? extends Double> targetType, Locale locale) {
		return 5d / 9d * (Double.parseDouble(value) - 32) + 273.15;
	public String convertToPresentation(Double value, Class<? extends String> targetType, Locale locale) {
		return String.format("%.2f", 9d / 5d * (value - 273.15) + 32);

class ReaumurConverter extends StringDoubleAbstract {
	public Double convertToModel(String value, Class<? extends Double> targetType, Locale locale) {
		return Double.parseDouble(value) * 1.25 + 273.15;
	public String convertToPresentation(Double value, Class<? extends String> targetType, Locale locale) {
		return String.format("%.2f", (value - 273.15) * 0.8);

class RankineConverter extends StringDoubleAbstract {
	public Double convertToModel(String value, Class<? extends Double> targetType, Locale locale) {
		return Double.parseDouble(value) / 1.8;
	public String convertToPresentation(Double value, Class<? extends String> targetType, Locale locale) {
		return String.format("%.2f", value * 1.8);

Although laborious, this technique allows to develop as many scales as required, with only two formulas per scale.

And in the init method:

final TextField celsius = new TextField(temp);
celsius.setConverter(new CelsiusConverter());

final TextField fahrenh = new TextField(temp);
fahrenh.setConverter(new FahrenheitConverter());

final TextField reaumur = new TextField(temp);
reaumur.setConverter(new ReaumurConverter());

final TextField rankine = new TextField(temp);
rankine.setConverter(new RankineConverter());

Next step is to have the controls added to the form layout. Addtional properies, such as immediate, can be set as part of the interface build loop.

fields = new TextField[] {raw, kelvin, celsius, fahrenh, reaumur, rankine };
for (TextField tf : fields) {

In this point, a fully functional temperature converter has been developed. Let’s add some “whistles and bells”. Physically, a temperature equal or under zero is impossible. Such a value, introduced in a application, will probably force the application to crash or return invalid numeric results. We need to introduce a validator, so that no temperature equal or under zero is to be written to the bean.

class TemperatureyValidator implements Validator {
	public void va	lidate(Object value) throws InvalidValueException {
		if ((Double) value <= 0)
			throw new InvalidValueException("Physically impossible temperature");

This validator is being set to each control. Note that the validator operates with the model not with the presentation value. The following line goes in the loop executed for each TextField:

tf.addValidator(new TemperatureyValidator());

In this moment, introducing in any of the controls a temperature which will yield to a zero or sub-zero Kelvin, the control will display an error. It would be useful to have the error cleared if a valid temperature is being introduce in another field. To implement this, a listener on the bean property is required, so that writing a valid value here will clear up the invalid values. The call if (!tf.isValid()) is optional. It actually calls internally the validators and establishes if the field is valid. Without it, all the fields will be refreshed from the underlying bean. It seems there is no way to query the valid/invalid state of a TextField without actually calling the validator.

			if (fields != null)
				for (TextField tf : fields)
					if (!tf.isValid())

This application is no different to a “canonical” form, except each of the fields points to the same data model.

The whole Java file is available here, under a “free as in free beer” license. The surounding project can be build with the Eclipse Vaadin Project Wizard.

Many thanks to Enver Haase for the code review.