Data versus Algorithms

Record linkage logo I’m writing this blog post to launch a question. Given a fixed amount of resources, what will provide more impact: improvements of the data mining algorithms or acquisition of more data?

My past experience tells that improvements in algorithms will yield a marginal improvement (at most 5-10%) of the accuracy or performance. If we are not talking about large leverages or high costs of false positives/negatives, these improvements are not impactful in their environment.

Also, the “overengineering” of the artificial intelligence methods will yield to overfitting, a phenomenon where an excellent accuracy is observed, but the system has a low capability of generalization, which will cause lower performance in the future, as the input data changes. This situation can be easily spotted, by testing the newly enhanced algorithm with fresh data, unknown until now to the system.

Bringing in more data is not a free ride either. The new data has to “link” to the existing data. An independent data set is useless, as it cannot be “integrated” in the existing echosystem. If the new data also duplicates some of the existing records, the de-duplication of the unified data set may eliminate valid records, while avoidance of the de-duplication will yield statistically incorrect results. Generally because of the reasons enumerated above,nowadays most of the people complain of having too much data, and not too less!

For example, we can build today a machine learning system to identify welfare fraud based on a variety of factors and data points collected by the welfare office. However, by linking with databases like “car registrations” or “traffic offenses” the welfare office may build a clearer picture on possible fraudsters and their whereabouts. The new data can be fed into existing algorithms, which can produce significantly better results with no or less changes.

Record linkage is able to cover the issue of “too much data that cannot be used”. Done without any helping tool, record linkage is a time consuming and error prone process. Starting from scratch, one will need about 2-6 months to understand the nature of data and have a “home-backed” record linkage system, which is far from being perfect. My attempt is to provide the backbone of a record linkage system, that will assist the users in data and rule exploration, will keep the linkage logic in a very succinct, easy to maintain manner while delivering a very good performance. Also it will allow incremental record linkage, eliminating the need to perform the linkage from scratch each time data changes.

I think I have answered the question, considering additional data as more viable direction; I would like to hear other opinions, experiences or ideas.